Personal Insolvency

Clear guidance to help navigate financial distress

At CasCap Advisory, we understand the wider impacts of personal insolvency. For debtors, bankruptcy can be a period of overwhelming stress. For creditors, it can be a time of frustration and disappointment. We are here to help manage the process and provide the best possible outcome for the situation.

If you experience personal financial distress, our team of experienced personal insolvency practitioners can help. Working with clients across Australia, we look to minimise unnecessary emotional stress at the moment and find workable solutions to financial difficulties, by providing personal insolvency solutions that align with your particular situation, while providing creditors with the comfort of robust investigation.

For both debtors and creditors, we can also act in a bankruptcy advisory capacity: advising on dealing with Trustees and with bankrutps. We do this by investigating and assessing potential recoveries. This can also include forensic accounting, where we can investigate and report possible offences as relevant. This includes ensuring that all assets are also accounted for as necessary.

Personal bankruptcy

In cases of personal bankruptcy, CasCap Advisory acts for debtors to advise creditors on likely returns. We also act for creditors to investigate bankrupt estates and recommend ways of maximising recoveries.

Personal insolvency agreement –an alternative to bankruptcy

We have long standing experience in personal insolvency agreements (PIAs), which are a bankruptcy alternative. A PIA is a flexible legally binding arrangement between a debtor and creditors. It identifies the debtor’s property and the income available to pay creditor claims. It also outlines how realisations are to be distributed.

For individuals in debt-related situations, such arrangements can be an effective means to ensure that their financial obligations to creditors are met while avoiding some of the onerous obligations that come with bankruptcy proceedings.

How we can help at CasCap Advisory

Get in touch with a bankruptcy advisory that can help today. Here at CasCap Advisory, we deliver exceptional service aimed at superior outcomes for all parties involved and client satisfaction. CasCap Advisory works with a variety of financiers, company directors, creditors, solicitors and accountants to secure the best possible client outcomes. For individuals and businesses alike, we work to find practical solutions, while minimising the risk of bankruptcy.

Contact us today to discover more about CasCap Advisory can aid your financial situation with personal insolvency solutions.

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